Wednesday evening  services 

Take time out of the middle of your week to refresh, learn, and fellowship with other Christians.
There are many services taking place on Wednesday evening for all ages.  

Main Bible Study 

Our adult bible study takes place every Wednesday evening at 6:30.  This study consists of table group prayer and discussion over the evening‘s topic. Be sure to arrive early to fellowship during our meal time! Fellowship begins as early as 5:00pm

Fellowship Meal

We invite you to come join us for our evening fellowship time. Enjoy a home cooked meal while getting to know members of the FCC family.  Meals are also available for kids and youth. All students eat in their designated classrooms, while hanging out with other students their age.

All fellowship meals are available from 5:00-6:30 every Wednesday evening. 

46 Group

46 Group  is our student program for 4-6 graders.

All activities and for 46 Group begin at 5:00. Activities include food and fellowship, Bible Trivia, gym time, and a lesson. 

Meal and a Prayer

The Meal and a Prayer ministry for PK-3rd graders begins at 5:00 every Wednesday. During this time, students ride the church van, deliver meals to local shut-ins, and pray over them. Here we encourage these kids to step out of their comfort zone and learn to serve others.

The church van is supervised by volunteer chaperones, and arrives back to the church by 7:30. 

Emerge Night

Emerge night is our regular youth group meeting for 7th-12th graders.  The youth engage in games, activities, and an evening lesson. Emerge night begins at 5:00 every Wednesday.

Click the button below to learn more about Emerge Youth.